Tuesday, April 5, 2011

'My' Top 10 Creationist Arguments ( 1-5 )

1. Scientific 'theories' are ok, but if there are any discrepancies than you can throw your 'theory' out the window. 
              -Nope. That's not how it works. Here's an analogy:
Police have just arrested an individual suspected of murder. The crime scene, has the victim with the suspect's DNA in their fingernails and a knife with the suspect's fingerprints on them. However, when the police interview the suspect's closest friend, he says that the suspect was hanging out with him at the time of the murder. Oh no a discrepancy?!??!
Big deal. The other evidence is overwhelming isn't it?

2. It's just WRONG to 'judge' people by their 'beliefs'. You're a jerk. 
             -Is it wrong?  I don't think so. It's actually 'key' to our survival. This one's gotten me into trouble on a few occasions. I understand what you mean but, let me explain. Let's say one of our next presidential candidates believes that the Earth is flat ( oh yeah, they exist ), the Holocaust never happened and that white people are superior to everyone else. Would you vote for him?

3. There really IS division in the scientific community regarding evolution and intelligent design. 

4. Yeah, well it's true 'for me', and just what's wrong with 'believing' something? 
            -When I was about 5 years old, I use to watch Superman all of the time. I watched it so much I would recite the entire movie as I'd watch it. I watched it so much, I started to believe that I could be Superman. I thought I'd test my hypothesis. I climbed all the way, or maybe half the way up a flight of stairs. Convinced myself I could fly, and leaped. I can still feel the sense of my face smacking against the cold floor. lolz   Funny right?
Khalid al-Mihdhar 'believed' he would go to heaven when he hijacked AA Flight 77 to crash it into the WTC.        Irrational beliefs = ridiculous and sometimes dangerous behavior.

5. Why do you atheists hate God so much?
           -Hehehehe. I love this one. Well I have a question for you. Do you believe in Poseidon, the God Of The Sea?  No?!   Why do you hate him so much?  Get it now?

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  1. I think about beliefs, and how some people who are mildly religious seem happier or comforted, but I concluded we're still better off without false beliefs even if they seem benign. I think that even if a belief brings a person comfort ("I'll go to heaven when I die") they're still better off facing reality ("My time is limited") because it makes you more mature, wise, and capable.

    As you pointed out, beliefs can also lead to harm of varying degrees, even if the harmful effect is only small amount of self-deception.

    As a culture, we should value honesty and rationality far more than we do.
