Saturday, June 4, 2011

Who cares?

But why does it matter if someone believes in x?

The problem is, there are many people that are in positions of power and responsibility, and it matters greatly, their level of critical thinking. Politicians, Police Officers, Judges, Teachers..... These positions are positions of trust among the general public. We trust that they have had the appropriate training and will perform their duties accordingly. Also, these positions require one who has a sharp mind, and understands how to evaluate evidence and take the appropriate action.

I just find it scary if our president, judges, school teachers or LE officers hold a belief that, the Earth is 6,000 years old, a supernatural deity sent itself to Earth to...commit suicide to itself, or any other woo woo.

As someone who has experience with two of the above professions, I understand that peoples very lives are at stake. If you can't separate fiction from non-fiction, if you can't distinguish what is reality, you do not belong in these fields. I hope you care too.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you and I hope that a rational/atheist viewpoint continues to grow in society. It seems to me that too many laws and policies (blue laws/drug laws, gay rights, war) are decided with religious justification.

    I think part of the problem is the public itself. If the majority of the people had a strong rational/atheist viewpoint then they would be disinclined to accept religious views among politicians and other prominent professions. I think it's a matter of time before that can happen.
